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January 10, 2003  Reporters**Cammi Granato**Rich Storm**Volume  IX Issue 02

Bolingbrook, IL
January 03, 2003

Attendance was up

slightly, as we got Butt Head and Uncle Bob off of the couch.  That was no small achievement, with the Fiesta bowl on TV.  We listened to the end of the 3rd quarter as we Tail-gated with a Brinks sponsored Strohs party.  We saw the best part of the game at Bonos,  where King Kong summed up all of the college jubilation of a National Championship when he said, "Columbus Ohio is now in Flames!"  Lorenzo went a little crazy when he started buying Slagerknocker shots.  He sobered up when he got his bill.  The total was a record setting $43.69.  I hope he had the Surf and Turf.
        The Duffer game featured a tight scoring game that featured great goal tending by the
Anvil and the BrainBeak spoiled the Brain's meaningful shut out when he took a pass from Butt Head and walked in all alone.  He waited and waited, until the Brain was out of moves, then he fired a wrist shot into the net.  That goal lost it's game winner status as Fruit cake beat the Anvil to tie the game.  Brinks and Thor had several close calls, but the game ended in a 1-1 meaningful tie.  The Meaningless game was close, I can't remember who scored, but I think the Reds

Beavis promised to send some young lookers to dress up the Duffer Christmas party again.  See Duffer News #302  (2/8/02)

meet in Las Vegas.

Beak Notes

Beak was thrilled by his goal, but he was more excited by his 2 steals from Tweedy and a pick of his son's clearing pass off of the glass.
Beak will be in Wisconsin watching his grandson Jeff.  You will have to buy Rich Storm a beer if you want your name in the Duffer News.

Page 2    Las Vegas Itinerary and the
Bobka Factor

edged the Whites by a goal.  Bill By the Way, who missed last week because he forgot is was Friday, was confused by the calculations of the Bobka factor.  Fred's goal was goal number 1, so when you square the number 1, you still have 1.  You can get a complete copy of the Bobka factor on page 2 of this newsletter. 
Papa Joe's number 2 son added an amendment to the Duffer 2 goal rule, when he took a couple of Kramer like spills.  He waved Beak Junior on to  replace him.  When Duffer News reporter, Rich Storm, inquired, he found out that Steve came off because of the "2 fall rule."  Sounds like a rule that we should have.  Rules committee will

Page 2

Las Vegas Schedule
Thursday - January 30, 2003
American Airlines Flight 1779
Depart O'Hare - 9:14 am
Arrive Las Vegas - 11:17 am
Bus to Hotel
Santa Fe Station Hotel - Casino
4949 N. Rancho Rd.
Las Vegas NV 89130
Check-in and lunch
On your own
Friday - January 31, 2003
Ice time 10:45 to 12:15
Lunch at the Hotel
On your own
Saturday - February 1, 2003
Ice time 10: 15 to 11:45
Lunch at the Hotel
On your own
Sunday - February 2, 2003
Lunch at the Hotel
American Airlines Flight 1794
Depart Las Vegas - 5:20 pm
Arrive O'Hare - 10:45 pm

The Bobka Factor

The following is a reprint from a 1982 Duffer Newsletter:

Dear Duffer advisor:
I am a new member and I am confused about the scoring system used by the Duffers.  Last week, the team that I was on won by a score of 12-4 but all of my teammates had their heads down after the game mumbling while our opponents were slapping hands and boasting about their victory using the Bobka Factor.  Please explain.

Confused Duffer

Dear Confused,
The Mathematical formula for the
Bobka Factor is simple:
LG = Legitimate goals by Bobka's Opponents. (Goals scored while  Bobka was off the ice)
TG = Tainted Goals by Bobka's opponents. (Goals scored while Bobka was on Defense)
Lg = Legitimate goals by Bobka's  team (Goals scored while Bobka was off the ice)
bg = Bonus Goals by Bobka's team. (Goals scored while  Bobka was on Defense)
BOS = Bobka's opponent score
BTS = Bobka's team score
Now let's use the game you spoke of as an example.  Digital Dan's data shows 10 of your goals were tainted (Goals scored while  Bobka was on Defense) therefore, you only have 2 Legitimate goals.  Plug this information into the formula, and you get the following:
2=LG  10+TG  The Square root of 10 is 3.1622776 + 2= 5.1622776 is the BOS
Bobka's team had 2 Bonus goals because they scored with Fred on the ice.  Their score is figured as follows:
2 BG = 4 + 2Lg = 6 (Bobka's team score)
Sorry, you lost a heartbreaker by .8377224 of a goal. Now you can see why your team was a bunch of dejected, disgusted Duffers?  You lost a heart breaker to Bobka* by the score of 6 to 5.1622776

*Bobka is the Polish word for fruit bread or Fruitcake.



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These pictures are designed to get you in the mood for a road trip.  (Left) Team San Jose.  (Right) Knarf and King Kong show off their new Red Jerseys.  Maybe we need a picture day.


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Hacksaw and Harvey in the Columbus airport.

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Beer nuts and Wheezer admire Harvey's Green Bay Gambler shirt in Columbus, Ohio. Knarf and Rich Storm have the real thing.

Life after Las Vegas 
After suffering through many let downs that hit you after a Duffer road trip, I have learned to have a few fun things to look forward to when you get home from a weekend of non-stop laughter. 
Wonderful Wendy has suggested a pair of Duffer get togethers on Monday, Feb. 16 and Sunday, March 2 when Tony and the Colorado Avs come to town.  The Hawks have seats starting at $15.00.
I figured I'd give you plenty of time so that you can say, "when is it I can't make it!"
Put the following dates on your Calendar:
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003    Duffer Christmas Party
Monday, Feb. 17             Colorado Vs. Black Hawks
Sunday, March 2             Colorado Vs. Black Hawks


Hockey Links: 

Vancouver Griffins






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