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The Tommy Z moving party on Saturday, November 23 was a lot of fun. As much fun as you can have when you closed the bar a few hours earlier. Thanks to Mini-Wheezer, we didn't need Stump to ride on the roof of a van to hold a house plant. He brought a large moving van with a hydraulic lift. Meaningful Movers get to watch and drink beer.
The Turkey Thanksgiving Skate will take place at the Downers Grove Icearena. We will Skate from 8:30 AM until 10:00 AM.
$15.00 will get us even.
(Left ) Zagnuts and Dizzy try not break the legs off of the table. (Center) Zagnuts and Dizzy try to put the legs back on the table with crazy glue.( Right) Meaningful Mover, Beer Nuts, tells, NYPD mover, Rich Storm where to put it.
(Left ) Dizzy drinks, while Zagnuts, Beer Nuts and Johnny Z play pocket pool. (Center) Beer Nuts and Assman watch Rich Storm ride the hydraulic lift. ( Right) Assman (driver), Rich Storm (shot gun) back into Tom's old driveway without hitting Beer Nuts, Dizzy, Tweedy, Johnny and TZ's Brother in law.
(Left ) Brinks gets a laugh when ESPN's Ray Ferararo tells him a story. (Center) Cammi gets congratulated by team USA as she was named player of the game against Sweden. ( Right) Cammi and her team mates take a break during a TV time out.
Cammi has 15 goals and 12 assists in her first 12 professional games.
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