cussed the shaving cream and whoever put it there, then went to breakfast.
Revenge of the Wheezer
About 11:00 A.M. while we were laughing our way through breakfast, Wheezer took the van keys and filled the hockey gloves of Dan and Joel with shaving cream. We all packed up and went sight seeing and picture taking. We took a group photo in front of the world's largest fish. One van went to the rink and the other went to the casino. Dan had to play in the championship game at 2:00 O'Clock. We couldn't wait to see Dan handle the puck with his slippery glove. It worked. Dan muffed the first pass,and sent his friend to get a different glove. Ken told Dan not to mess with the Wheezer.Now he has seen the light. He believes. The trip home was uneventful Thank God! One McDonalds stop, watched a few movies and played Nintendo. Then I thought about getting a $100.dollar bill tattoo. I laughed my self to sleep. That wouldn't work, would it?
went to a gas station with a microwave.We downed some hamburgers and things. It looked like a scene from Animal House. By the time we got to the register, all we had were wrappers. Jiffy fell in love with their Burrittos and took one to go. As we were leaving, a D.U.I. bust was taking place in the lot. We decided to leave the vans and walk home. Harvey was asleep at the wheel, so when we woke him up, he wanted to drive. He said, "I can drive, I didn't eat anything" On our way back to the motel, a Snowball fight broke out. Yes, there was a foot of snow on the ground.( Those of you looking for the weather section, this is it.) I went straight to bed, turning down a night cap in the Stars' room. (Stump &Berserk) They didn't want this night to end. Bill, Tom, Dan, John, Ken, and Joel still hadn't had enough, so they went to party with the stars. They were on the floor below us, but it sounded like they were next door. Jiffy was sitting in the corner clutching his now cold burritto laughing and keeping the neighbors up. He didn't care about the noise, because 6 hours earlier he was disturbed during his pre-game nap, and he vowed he'd get even. These kids today have no respect, keeping people up at 6:00 P.M. I got a call at 3:00 A.M. All I heard was laughter, so I hung up, and went back to sleep.The
phone rang again, this time it was Morgan. "You've got to get down here, you're missing the time of your life!" That got me. Ever since Lake Placid, when I fell asleep on the train ride home, I have this fear of missing a memorable Duffer moment. What I didn't know was that the first time Morgan called me, he got an ear full of shaving cream, and he threw the phone across the room. When the 6 foot coiled cord reached the end, it came back to get him. The room was rocked with laughter. When I arrived they begged me to call Harvey. I did, and I got an ear full of cream. The guy next door was pleading for an end to the nonsense, as the laughter grew. Bill almost dropped his burritto. Dan and Tom went upstairs to get Wheezer because his phone was off the hook. They found him sound asleep in a fetal position with a bag of Doritos. They called in a 6 A.M. wake up call and creamed his phone. Dan's big brother warned him not to mess with the Wheezer, but he didn't listen. They left Wheezer and headed for Harvey's room and creamed his phone. When Harvey answered the phone, he was so tired he didn't even notice the cream all over his hair and ear. He went back to sleep until I came back to the room with Tom and Dan. We got him up to take a picture. He never knew. Not even in the morning when he combed his hair. Wheezer got his wake up call and thanked the girl because he was hungry. He
Here is the Guys that beat those young Hayward guys. (Left to Right) Stump, Beak, Koss, Butt Head, Beak Jr. Harvey, Berserk, Jim, Wheezer and Klinger.