Tom Morgan was missing for the same reason, He is about to become a dad.
The September 9 opening of the 1994-95 season featured a drop in the Duffer average age and an increase in the tempo of the game. The Duffer average age has gone up every year since 1972. Several over 50 Duffers were replaced by 24 year old youngsters. You don't have to be a statistician to see that the Duffer mean age took a dip. Free Strohs! Thanks Don! Papa Joe faced off against a line of 3 newcomers with a total age of 72. Joe can cover that total with one of his grandchildren. The first. night featured the return of "Titz", and plenty of free beer, compliments of Grant Importing. The September 16 game featured 11 goals by the Lopatkas. Tweety bounced 7 goals in for the home team, while Beak Jr. blasted 4 in for the visitors. Import Beer was supplied by over qualified newcomer Tom Bryja. The third game of the season started out with the home team scoring 5 unanswered goals in the first ten minutes. The King ,who has had perfect attendance since June, issued an edict to his team to take it easy. The visitors answered with 3 goals in the last ten minutes of the period to make a game of it. The third period opened with the home team clinging to a 6 to 5 lead. Tweety blocked a home team shot from the point and tied the score with a break a way goal. Beak scored the Game winner when he walked into the slot unmolested and fired a wrist shot past the stunned goalie. Tom Bryja came to the rescue with some cold beer. Thanks Tom!!
Last month, Kathie (Beak's Daughter) and Mike Spillman were blessed with a 9 Pound 10 ounce baby girl. Those of you counting on your fingers, already know that Christmas was 9 months ago. I wonder what the Toms got for Christmas. Maybe we can plan a December road trip this year. If you haven't paid yet, do it now, to avoid seeing your name in print.
Boris showed up for the September 30 contest with an 18 inch long scratch across his back. It looked like Mira raked her finger nails into his skin during a hallway encounter. As it turned out, Boris used a brand new hack saw blade to scratch his back. Boris may have picked up a nick name. "Hacksaw Boris" We are glad Boris didn't have an itch any place else. We might see him in a movie with Bobbit. That movie would have us all in stitches. The game featured Harvey's first night wearing his new garter belt. Harvey became the last Duffer to shed his long pants. (The King dropped his last week) The change did him good. Harvey had the best game since Hayward. He scored the back breaking goal for the Home team. Harvey also stripped the puck from Tweety and picked a pass out of the air to foil a Blue scoring
attempt. Tom Bryja called the Delphian House at 1:30am to announce the birth of their daughter, Victoria.