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Give Beak $100 if you want to be on the plane to Worchester
with the Duffers.
Bolingbrook, IL 1/28/05
Attendance 21
Report by Beak
3 Beak Generations Lead the Whites to Victory
You knew it was going to be a good day for the
Brain when the first shot of the game hit the post and bounced away from harm, then
Art gave the Whites the Meaningless lead with the first of his 3 goals.
Beak got the Meaningful winner, when he one timed a pass from Art and blew it through his son, Tweedy's 5 hole.
The Reds hit several more posts and the Brain had a shut out until Tommy fired a shot off of the inside of the right post that caromed off into the net.
Tommy added another goal a
little later.
Buckshot came off of the DL to beat the Brain for a Meaningless goal. Bob thought he might qualify for Meaningful status with the retirement of Papa Joe, but he came up 2 and a half years short in the latest calculation of the Duffer Mean Age.
An historic Duffer moment began to unfold when Beak's grandson, Jeff, scored on his uncle Dan.
Tweedy told him that, "You and Grandpa are the only scorers in the Lopatka family," knowing that Jeff would tell his Dad, who was scoreless at the time.
Ken was determined to join his Son and Dad in the scoring party, that was being hosted by his little brother, Tweedy.
Brinks gave the Whites and insurance Meaningful, 5 hole goal and Rich Storm did the same , when Tweedy took away the pass to Beak.
Rich Storm added another goal and Beak Jr. capped the scoring in the final minutes to make Duffer history.
3 generations of Beaks lit up a family member.
Tweedy took it well and had a few beers after the game. He almost fell off of the chair with laughter when he saw the Picture of Stump and Uncle Bob in the Duffer News.
Brinks told Tweedy that he was lucky that his Mom wasn't there, because she would have scored too.
Media Guide 1/21/05 Starting Goalies
Tweedy Vs. The Brain. Healthy Scratches: The Flea, The Nailer, Magoo,
Geno, Hacksaw, Alien, Hitman, Anvil, Sanchez, Butt Head, Wik, Larry,
Johnny Z and Klinger . Disabled List: Uncle Bob and Wheezer
MIA: Ghost, Dill Deau, , Drano and Doc. Retired: Papa Joe. 6-Beers
in a Bucket!
Thanks to Ron, for adding a beer to each bucket last week at
no extra charge!
The ages for the Duffer Dues Payers were calculated on January 29, 2005. When I took a graduate class in statistics at Loyola way back in the sixties, we were drilled on the
3 Ms. Median, Mean and Mode. The Mean was the average. I used to remember mean was the average because you had to add all of those numbers and then do long division. That was mean, because we did these calculations with a #2 pencil! I wish I had a calculator or an Excel spread sheet back then. The
Mode is the most frequent number in the group. The Duffer Roster had 9 Modes! That is because we have such age diversity. There is no age that occurs more than twice. There are two 66 year olds, two 63 year olds, Two 57 year olds and so on. The
Median age is the one in the middle. The Duffer Median score is 48.1. There are 16 numbers above it and 16 numbers below it. Our New Leader, Rich Storm, who took
statistics 3 decades later than me, kept referring to our middle score as the
cipher. That sent me to the on line Merriam Webster Dictionary, where I found
the following definition:
Main Entry: 1ci·pher Pronunciation: 'sI-f&r Function:
noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French
cifre, from Medieval Latin cifra, from Arabic sifr empty, cipher, zero 1 a
: ZERO 1a b : one that has no weight, worth, or influence
: NONENTITY The Webster definition for Median is: Main Entry: 1me·di·an Pronunciation: 'mE-dE-&n Function:
noun 1 : a medial part (as a vein or nerve) 2 a
: a value in an ordered set of values below and above which there is an equal number of values or which is the arithmetic mean of the two middle values if there is no one middle number
b : a vertical line that divides the histogram of a frequency distribution into two parts of equal area
c : a value of a random variable for which all greater values make the distribution function greater than one half and all lesser values make it less than one half 3 a
: a line from a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side
b : a line joining the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid Sanchez will no doubt want to be referred to as the Median, and not the Cipher..
Poly Tim told me that he almost lost his job at PolyOne, when his boss saw
him looking at the these boobs.

Make sure you hear this song! It sounds just like Harvey Singing. Shut The Puck Up - Streaming Audio
Go to Last Week's Duffer News
Do you remember our foggy flight to
Columbus to see the Donny's Chill play?
Now you can join us on our trip to
see his Ice Cats play.
Our Fan, Matt Mills, thought we should have hooded shirts
with his design.
(Pictured Below) Pretty good, for a bar napkin sketch!

Matt, the Duffer Sweat Shirt Designer, checks out the game
that Jeff is playing.

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