May 2, 2003 Reporters**Cammi Granato**Rich Storm**Volume IX Issue 17
April 25 Bolingbrook, IL Attendance 26
sure if Mini Wheezer goal touched him. He went to the bar to lobby for the game winner by buying a beer for the editors, but his wife foiled that plan when she hauled him out of there before Beak arrived. The closest thing to a Meaningful goal came when Magoo set up a Zagnuts goal with a beautiful pass. Ken Lopatka scored on both goalies. He tipped a Rich Storm shot past the Brain, but unfortunately the Brain was on his team. Eddie the Anvil was taken off suicide watch when he picked up the 7-5 Meaningless win and the 0-0 Meaningful shutout. Tweedy popped a couple of goals past the Brain. The Z brothers each scored, Sean Morgan and Miller Ultra Lite each picked up nice goals. Thor had another entertaining fall when he tried to pick up his stick. Stump called it before he fell, so everybody on the home bench saw the tumble. Picnic Meeting will on the Beak Deck at 7:00 PM on Saturday May 3rd. Everyone is welcome, Mrs. Beak is out of town.. Boris
had a tentative picnic date
JIM "THE KING" MICELI became the first and last recipient of the King's Meaningless Trophy when Frank made a touching presentation at center ice last Friday. The following message was engraved on the trophy: The trophy is being awarded to the founding father of the Duffers Jim "The King" Miceli. Jim is the sole reason why this group has been together for 32 fun filled years. His foresight in bringing in members not for their hockey ability, but for their attitude and gentlemanly play was the key to the Duffers success. Thanks Jim from all the current and past Duffers. The Meaningless Game was tied at 5-5 until the Reds popped in a pair of last minute goals. Their were no
meaningful goals, although Papa Joe wasn't
that he wanted to announce at the Bar, but he got so excited watching Harvey dance, he forgot to tell us.
On Wednesday at lunch, he said the picnic will be on June
7, if the Government paper work goes through.