Two More Weeks!!

Nobody e-mailed the results of the game to Beak, and all Frank could remember at the Wednesday lunch was that Buck shot Morgan scored 2 for the Whites in a losing cause.
Beak left for Elko Nevada on Friday, where he won $139 for sitting in seat 17A.  It took him 2 days to lose that barf bag full of money in the casino.  He witnessed a funny event when a woman walked away from her slot machine with her casino card still in the slot and attached to her belt with a triple bungy cord.  She got 15 feet from the machine when her card came flying across the Casino at 50 mph.  No one got hurt!
*Health Note

They finally released the ingredients in Viagra! 3% Vitamin E, 2% Aspirin, 2% Ibuprofen, 1% Vitamin C, 5% Spray Starch, 87% Fix-A-Flat.

Tweedy Poses with two friends from The Janesville Wisconsin Anorexic Clinic. 

Beak shows off the barf bag of money that he won on the plane to Elko Nevada

Rich Storm does it again!

Rich gives Beak some Nevada show girls and then gives Tweedy some Cheese heads.

Some Cheesecake for Klinger and Buck shot

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Return to Salt Lake City. 

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 Beak took the above picture of the Olympic village from his lucky 17A window  seat.  below you can see a close up of his cash barf bag. 

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