1996 Picnic Bill Giffune was forced to miss his first Duffer picnic since he joined us. He made sure the newly painted grill was at the picnic thanks to Tweedy and his new pick up. As you can see from the picture above, everybody was waiting for Klinger's command. The Grill was finally removed from the trailer when Nick the Hammer took command. The King was also missing. He said he had a Lucrative Load, but Duffer history shows that he hasn't been to a picnic since he collapsed Fred's $1.99 lawn chair in 1994. He might have a lawn chair phobia.
Tommy Z's Bachelor party on the Beak Deck
Saturday August 3rd is a date to remember. Every Duffer is welcome to join us on the Beak Deck at 6:30. We will celebrate Tommy Z's last week of freedom.