July 4th 2007 Dan
and Sabine
July 2 2007 Michelle
gets the game ball and Michael
and Will at the Arboretum
July 1, 2007 Dave
and Nancy Visit
June 22, 2007 Rocket
to Mars
June 19, 2007 Visit with Old
June 19, 2007 Warren Newport Library Aerospace
June 8th, 2007 Our
trip to Atlanta
June 2nd, 2007 Michelle's
May 26th, 2007 Mom's
94th Birthday
May 24th, 2005 Rocket
Launch and Pre-School Graduation
May 5, 2007 Michael's
7th Birthday
May 1, 2007 The Girls
at the Arboretum
April 28, 2007 Audrey
at Willow Nature Center
April 14, 2007 Fred
turns 70!
April 11, 2007 Snow
April 8, 2007
March 21, 2007 My first trip
to Alaska
February 26, 2007 I finished my 67th
trip around the Sun
February 20 Dinner
with the Fish
February 18 Audrey's
Second Birthday Party
February 12 My
January 20 Hockey road trip
to Indianapolis
January 14th, Bears Win! We
11:00 A.M. January 1st, 2007 I
played Hockey with my sons
12:30 P.M. We
partied on the ice
December 25, 2006 Christmas
at Our House
December 17th, 2006 Cosley
