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We had a beautiful windy day for the 2008 Duffer Picnic.  It didn't rain until we tried to play softball.

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Klinger unloaded the Duffer Grill without any help.

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Beak helped him drop the beer off of the truck.

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Hacksaw and Rich Storm helped him drag it to the pavilion.

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We had plenty of help for the "Add on".

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The Maestro and Billy brought the charcoal.

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Ken brought the meat and some ice!

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The Meaningful Duffers finally got some help.

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Billy swept the puddles and set up the grill.

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Beak and Stump drink to their "Perfect Season!"

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Too much going on here to try to describe.

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Bill "Maestro" Conti receives the Klinger Krash Award for the spectacular spill that the"Bookie"gave him on 4/11/08.

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Perry "The Flea Lea gets the Next Generation Meaningless Trophy.

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Onions usually make me cry, but this one made me smile :-)

Go to the Last Duffer News


Summer Schedule

Friday, June 13, 2008 9:00 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008 9:00 PM

Friday, August 08, 2008 9:00 PM



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