Bolingbrook, IL 1/10/04 Rich Storm
We should have had a very one sided game last week because the Whites had Tweedy, Miller Lite, the Flea and Rich Storm on defense. They already had Canadian speedster, BBB (Blue Ball Bill) when they picked up Johnny Back Hand. (His brother Tom sent him over) that gave the Whites 2 strong skaters to center the stable of meaningful Duffers that gravitate to the Whites each week. Eddie the Anvil had his family in the balcony cheering every time he made a save and they had plenty to cheer about, as he was spectacular! He lost his shut out when Brinks took a pass from Tweedy and fired a one-timer that hit the post and went in. Brinks picked up another to give the Whites a 2-0 meaningful lead. Beak scored the best goal he never saw when he parked himself in front of the net and Tweedy hit his stick with a bullet that deflected off of his stick and into the net. Thor poked in a rebound after Eddie stopped 3 shots by Johnny and Brinks. The Reds managed to make the score 4-2 on goals by people that I can't remember after several beers. One of them may have been meaningful, but I can't remember. It may have been Klinger,
Frank, Hitman, Beer nuts or Papa.
Duffer Christmas Party February 7, 2004
Wendy wants to know if you are coming to the 4th annual Duffer Christmas Party.
Please Respond by e-mail ASAP.

To E-mail the Duffer News Web master, just click here!
There is an entry on the Duffer Calendar
for March 7, 2004. Beak has been involved with the Jim Misiora Day at the Races.
He will be twisting arms so that we can have a table full of Duffers at that fun
filled event. For more information, click
here. If you can't go to Denver that weekend, He would really
appreciate it if you would help him fill one table.
You can e-mail History updates to Beak.
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