We finally boarded the plane and as we started to backup, all of the Duffers started
to chant, "beep, beep, beep, beep". Everybody laughed and we were off to Columbus. Drinks were free because of the delay. We
had been drinking since 9:00 A.M. so Klinger had a pocket full of free drink tickets that we used on the way home. We arrived in Columbus at 7 o'clock, and the Chill van was waiting for us with a chauffeur named Philip Morris. I don't have to tell you what happened next, but I will.
"Call For Philip Morris" We headed for the rink and arrived just a few minutes into the game. We were impressed at how the ECHL had cleaned up it's play since the SLAP SHOT days. Players took hard checks and skated away without any retaliatory action. We found out later that we missed a brawl with the Chiefs.
Good news for all of you guys that missed the Columbus road trip. You have 9 weeks to think of a reason to miss the trip to Peoria on April 2, 1999. Here are some common excuses that won't work.
Have to work? No good, April 2nd is good Friday. Only retired people will have a hard time getting the day off. No money? with 20 or more guys, this trip will be cheaper than the Columbus trip. Days are too short? The Sun enters the northern hemisphere on March 21st, so the days will be longer than the nights. Don't like long bus rides? Peoria is only a few Strohs away. You don't want to room with Muzzy? Larry wants to room with Muzzy from now on!
Here is the deal. The Chill will arrive in Peoria on Friday, 4/2/99, for their game on Saturday night. Donny said he can get some ice from the coach of the Peoria Rivermen. We will probably play on Friday and Saturday. We will go to the Chill -Rivermen game on Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. We will depart for home after the team mass on Easter Sunday. $50.00 will reserve you a spot on the bus. We need at least 20 people to make a coach affordable.
The radio broadcaster was reading the Duffer News during the broadcast of the games. Beak was invited to join the broadcast in Peoria. We found a great place to eat on Saturday night. Wheezer was too tired to eat, so he stayed in the room and watched Cammi score a goal in the Legends game, while we had a feast at the Engine House #5 in Germantown, Ohio. You may remember the quote of the Green Bay trip, when Wheezer said, "I don't get full, I just get tired of
chewing." We really missed our young skaters in Columbus. That was evident by the average age of the trip participants which was 51.8 years. The King suggested that Beak should have some in-service training for the younger Duffers who are having problems getting away. Maybe Beak's wife could help some of the younger wives and girlfriends. Mrs.
Beak and her bowling partners go on more trips than the Duffers. That's why Beak has never missed a trip since Bird Island. That is the key to getting free. When your wife has just been on a trip, is easy to tell her that you are going to leave town.
bunch of assists, as did Beer nuts. Cougenhaur and Mazurk had several meaningless goals. Harvey scored several times, but his best move was missing the bus. We were all showered and on the bus. As we pulled out we took our usual late headcount and found that Harvey was missing. We backed up beep beep beep beep, only to find Harvey all alone drying his hair with his 220 amp hair dryer that was causing the lights to dim. Harvey's quote of the trip was, "I didn't see anybody rushing around, so I took my time."
The Chill won all 3 games last weekend, so Donny wants to see the Duffers where ever they play.