Bolingbrook, IL Friday,
Attendance 30 Report by The Beak
The Whites killed the Reds 15-7!
I remembered 9 of the goals on Saturday: Geno 2,
Rich Storm 2, Hitman 1, Harvey 1, Mini 1, Robby 1,
Bill BTW* 1, so I sent out an e-mail asking for help, no one claimed any of the 15 unaccounted for goals.
Perry sent the following: Wow..........where do we start. Steve Granato had at least two, Art at least three, Nick at least 3, Rob Granato had 2
I'm sure Tommy and Johnny Z had some of them, along with
Art and AJ. Eddie the Anvil had a great save percentage, because he made over 60 saves.
The Reds managed to win the 3rd period, probably because the Whites got tired of shooting.
Tweedy picked up the win, but his save percentage was around 500%.
Hacksaw made a bid to be the first referee to win the Klinger Krash Award, when he took several spectacular spills. Thanks to all of the Duffers who contributed to the St. Jude Children's hospital fund.
We were able to give Donna $246 toward their goal. We hope to raise that total with the $5.00 contributions to the photo CDs. Thanks also to Perry, Geno, Tim, Steve G and Tom Morgan for contributing to the parking lot party. If you are planning to attend the
Grant Importing Golf outing, send a check for $80 to Grant Importing.
The King and Koss were the first 2 to sign up. Rumor has it that Emil sent his check in with the stipulation of a
Beak ban. Emil doesn't play well when people are talking. Beak road in his cart for 9 holes at his retirement
golf outing and his score doubled. Please Call or E-mail Boris if you plan to eat at the Picnic Committee meeting on Friday June 2nd at 7:00 P.M. (Bring Beer)
*Bill By the Way took one shot wrenched his back and scored a goal.
He took his stick and left the ice. To his credit, He did manage to stick around for the Post Game festivities.