I found my Mom's cook book that contained many of her hand written recipes and recipes that were handed down from her Mom and others. |
Buttermilk Parkerhouse Rolls
Banana Cake
Cheese Cake
Cherry Cheese Cakes
Crazy Cakes
Marble Cake
Pound Cake
Thrifty Pound Cake (Mom must have had some time at the bank typewriter)
Short Pineapple Cake
Snowflake Cake
Russian Cake
Gumdrop Cookies
Paczki is pronounced like my Mom wrote it on the card below.
Mom put a vanilla icing on her ponczkis, that she made from powered sugar and caned milk.
Apple Muffins
Chocolate Icing
Easy Fruit Cheesecakes
Chocolate Candy
Sour Cream Pie
Frozen Cheese Tarts
Oriental Chicken Salad
The above recipe was in Mom's book, but it was not her handwriting. If you know who it is, let me know.
Mom had this labeled as a pierogi, but it is really a
dumpling. Our good friend Agi sent the following clarification:
You know that I loved your Mom as if she were my own Grandma but being
that I am 100% Polish & consider myself to be a Polish food
connoisseur (of sorts), I feel it's my duty to tell you that Grandma got
some bad info...this recipe does not describe a pierog (singular
form -- pierogi is plural)...this recipe describes a type of "dumpling"
(which is too often & incorrectly used by non-Slovaks as
another word for pierogi)...dumplings do not have fillings &
are often made with cheese mixed into the dough (as found
in recipe, below) or mashed potatoes (which my family uses)...these
"finger dumplings" are what we call, "kluski"
-- one of the most delicious staple foods ever to be made & the
perfect complimentary partner to "kapusta" - sauerkraut,
which must be SOUR, NOT sweet ...as far as I know, pierogis
always have a filling (most common: blueberries, plum, cheese, kapusta,
potato & onion)...the dough is kneaded, rolled out & cut
out into circles using a glass...insert spoonful of filling on one
side of the circle, fold over the other side & pinch the two
sides together, tightly, from one end to the other to ensure the pierog stays
closed when dropped into the boiling pot of water...pierogis are a
ton of work & getting the consistency of the dough just so
is a work of art...use too much flour or stale flour, the dough
will harden & you'll have trouble pinching the sides
closed...won't stay closed during the boiling process, either...using
water that's too warm will make the dough very sticky & impossible
to work with...will end up sticking to your rolling pin...roll your
dough out too thin & the pierogis will rip open while boiling...pain
in the butt to make but everyone loves 'em once you get the hang of it.
Anyone who thinks Mrs. T's pierogis from the frozen section at
Jewel are great have NO idea what real pierogi taste like!
Smacznego! (equivalent to Bon appetit!)
Agi :)
Salmon Loaf
My Mom made the best Chicken Dumpling
soup, but there was no written
record of it, so when my cousin Debbie Kern mentioned that my Mom taught
her how to make it for her ailing Dad, she sent me the following
One whole chicken, cut up 1 egg Debbie sent the following add on to the above recipe: I forgot to mention that if the soup is too fatty, after it chills, you can spoon off some of the fat that rose to the top and it'll be less greasy. I replied: Thanks, the grease is the best part. We ate a lot of grease.
We seldom had gravy, Mom used to say, "Do you want some grease
on your potatoes?" |
Czarnina (Polish Duck Soup...with some German annotations)My sister Pat sent me this site. http://www.soupsong.com/rczarnin.html
This is an interesting recipe, not that I plan on making it
anytime soon. Getting the live duck would be difficult. This
is the czarnina Aunt Nelly used to make. She brought it over for
Thanksgiving as a special treat. I just never knew it was
named after the czar's wife. Also I don't remember bits of actual
duck floating around in it. I thought it just had the duck's blood
in it. Maybe we had the cheap version.
![]() Mom used to butter some toast, cover it with tomato slices sprinkle with salt and pepper. It was a fast summer lunch. |
Strawberry Rhubarb
My Mom used to can peaches, tomatoes, apples and whatever else was on
sale, but she left no written record of her method. I do remember
her getting a new pressure cooker and she didn't lock it properly the
first time she used it and when it built up pressure, it blew the hot
contents on the ceiling and walls. She didn't give up, she read the
directions and used it safely for many years.
Mom used canning jars like the one on the right. I found the one on the left in the attic of our old 2 flat on Parkside and Augusta. It has a patent date of November 1858 embossed in the glass. |
Frozen Sweet-Dill Pickles
To E-mail the Web master, just click here! greg@lopatka.net
E-mail Comments:
Thanks for sharing...reminded me of growing up in the old neighborhood...especially the tomato sandwiches...my parents are farmers so we ate what was grown in the garden every summer...freshly-picked tomatoes sliced on just-baked rye bread from the corner deli buttered with REAL butter - yum!!
Potato pancakes were a treat on Fridays during lent...we topped
ours with sour cream or washed them down with some cultured
buttermilk...sometimes, my Dad would fry up leftover mashed potatoes
with onions...it was the best meal with a glass of buttermilk &
a fried egg on the side...leftover mashed potatoes were never
wasted...like I mentioned in the other e-mail, my Mom used them for
I must comment on the ketchup thing, though...it's a second generation
thing because ketchup is/was virtually non-existent in Poland...Catsup
is very Americana...like apple pie & Chevrolets!
Thanks again...I think I'm going to make some potato pancakes this
These are awesome – I have some from my grandma and the handwriting looks nearly identical! Would you mind if I posted a credited link on my facebook page? Paula Masiulewicz
Scanned Slides from the 1970s