I laughed so hard when Grandpa Ken got a call from his mommy on the bus after game 2. She balled him out for being mean to his little brother. Dan must have called their Mom and complained that Ken was ruining his weekend buy scoring all of those goals. See the story below.
My memorable game moment came when I had a 3 way wreck with The King and Mini Wheezer in game 2. It took us a while to get up and gather our sticks, but then we discovered nobody had the right stick, so it took a while for us to sort out what went where.
Dr. Andrew Weil has a book,
8 weeks to Optimum Health. In his book, he outlines a program that will help you achieve optimum health. Here is his program. Take a break from watching the news. TV news is a depressant. No Duffer has ever watched the news on a road trip.
 Get away from depressing people, try to spend time with people that make you laugh. Where else can you go to church and see a guy come out with toilet paper flowing out of his butt? (That happened on our bus trip to Hayward when we picked up Papa Joe, Brinks and Muzzy from Sunday Mass. The small town people were amazed to see a huge luxury coach outside of their church. ) Go to a Hot Tub and sweat. We spent many hours in the Hot Tubs in Hayward, Detroit, Columbus and Green Bay.
 Go for a 25 minute walk That downhill walk was only 15 minutes, but it took 30 minutes to get back up the hill. Exercise sensibly then take in plenty of fluids. We played two fast paced hockey games and took in plenty of fluids.
 Have some garlic and olive oil. If you ever went to a team dinner, you know that the (The King) choice of restaurant will give you plenty of garlic and olive oil. My blood pressure was down 40 points on Monday morning. We should be able to write off road trips as a health expense. Keep those stories and pictures rolling in.
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Memorable Nashville Moments
Please send me your printable memorable Nashville moments and I'll
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You may change the names to protect the guilty, g.lopatka@comcast.net