Welcome to

Wednesday's 1:00 Duffer Lunch will be at
Nicks in Lemont this week. November 22nd, 2006. Come and Meet The
Flea's Dad.
Thursday morning, we will skate at
Downers Grove at 8:30 A.M. $15.00 Duffer Family only. Don't miss it, The
Flea is bringing the Brats, Stump has the Pineapple Juice juiced.
Downers Grove Ice
Arena: 5001 Walnut, Downers
Grove (630) 971-3780
Maple Ave. east of Rt. 53 to Walnut (just east of I 355), north to rink
Links to past Thanksgivings
2005 http://www.lopatka.net/11-25-05/index.htm
2005 Team Picture
2004 Thanksgiving
2004 Team Picture
2003 Thanksgiving
2003 (Stumps New Hip)
Team Picture
2002 http://www.lopatka.net/11-28-02
Team Picture
2001 11/30/01
Peoria and Thanksgiving
2001 Team Picture
2000 http://www.lopatka.net/12-1-00.html
1999 http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Base/9522/12-3-99.htm
I give Thanks!
In my 2004 Duffer News letter, I
wrote a Thank you
letter that found its way onto The Anvil's coffee table for the
holiday, where Eddie's wife read it and shed a few tears. That
inspired me to give thanks
again in 2005. As always, I have many things to be thankful
for again this year. See page 2 of Duffer News Number 478.
Check out Ken's
Bolingbrook, IL Friday, 11/17/06
Attendance 19
The Brain and the
Anvil kicked out many blast, but the slowest shot of the night by Hitman turned out to be the biggest, as it gave the Reds a 1-0 Meaningful win. The game started out looking bad for the Reds, as
Art flew right in and blew a shot through Eddie's 5 hole. That was only 20 seconds into the game and The Brain and the Polar Duffer Bears were up 1-0.
The game started out fast, as Rob (Piggy Bank) answered that with a hat trick before the first period was over.
Art added 2 more to close out the period with a 3-3 tie. The Reds only had 3 guys on the bench, and the Whites had 4, so the game slowed down considerably and only one goal was scored in the second, but
Mr. Clean disallowed it when Art did a solo end to end rush. Boris invoked the seldom used 3 line rule.
It is
seldom used, because the guys we
that we called the NYPDs (New Young Polite Duffers) were well trained by the King and his Court.
They never went end to end, and they always looked for a meaningful player to pass to.
Its not accurate to call those guys the NYPDs anymore, because they have been around for more than 10 years. They are still young and polite (When they are compared to the Meaningful players, who are old and mean)
In the future they will be referred as the MADs (Middle Aged Duffers). Maybe we can hire the King as a consultant to train the new duffers, because Meaningful goals are way down this year.
Hitman's goal was the first meaningful goal in weeks. With Art's goal disallowed, the second period was scoreless.
Mr. Clean had visions of a shoot out. Since he has been refereeing, he has been trying to get a game to end in a tie.
This looked like the night, the game had slowed down to a crawl, until Bill By The Way scored a beautiful goal on a pass from "I can't remember" I'll give it to Geno since he brought 30 Strohs.
Art added another and the Race was on, Piggy Bank set up Hitman for the only Meaningful goal of the game.
The Piggy Bank man then set up the Red Hot Mini Wheezer while he added another Hat Trick, giving the Red Army an 8-5 win.
We had another good turn out at Buffalo Wild Wings after the game with The Hacksaw, Beak,
BBTW, Knarf, Klinger, Mini, Rich Storm , and The Flea. Tommy Z lost his perfect attendance when he and Tweedy had a Wags' game at Center Ice.
Only Knarf and Stump remain with perfect Attendance. Beak put on the skates
for the first time since he had his left hip replaced last August. He gives Thanks on Page 2.
Page 2 |
Third Annual Thank You Letter
2 years ago, when I came home from Peoria, after 24 hours of nonstop fun with old friends, young friends and new friends, I realized how lucky I was to be playing hockey at the age of 64.782 with great guys every week!
I wrote a Thank You letter that made Mr. and Mrs. Anvil shed a tear or two.
I'm sort of sorry about that, but I can't resist making a goalie cry, so I here is my third annual thank you letter to the people that I have been blessed with, because of my involvement with hockey. As you probably know I finally gave in to the long overdue THR (Total Hip Replacement) in July of 2005.
That was such an improvement, that I told Dr. Marcoski, "Give me another one, just like the other one, only make sure there is an "L" on it."
I give Thanks that I was fortunate enough to find an orthopedic surgeon, who loves hockey.
My recovery was even better this year, so I tried out my new hip last week. (I helped Hacksaw drop the puck with no pain.
I plan to play my first game on Thanksgiving Morning when we will have a slow duffer game with no hot shot guests flying around.
If you see me coming, please get out of the way. If I have the puck and you want it, just ask, and I'll give it to you.
I give thanks to Stump for leading the way 3 years ago, when he had his hip replaced and returned to party with us a week later and he then started skating in Denver 4 months later.
He is an inspiration to all and thanks to him, we never have a game without a goalie, or a Thanksgiving without Coconut Rum. I give Thanks for the NYPDs (New, Young, Polite, Duffers) Who shall be known from this day forward as the
MAD (Middle Aged Duffers) Tweedy, Rich Storm, Tommy and Johnny Z, for the way they always look for a meaningful Duffer to pass to, before they shoot.
They have added vitality to our Duffer family since they joined us back in the 90s. When I think of all of the great people that I have met through hockey, starting way back with Kenny Wharram and his son who were responsible for me flooding my back yard every winter and getting my kids started in Hockey.
I give Thanks the early Duffers that molded the organization together. The King, with the help of Wally, Frank and Slime Dog put together a wonderful organization that has survived the test of time. An organization that has given great pleasure to my family and me for 36 years! I give Thanks to all of the Duffer wives, like my wonderful Carole, who love their stress free Friday nights, where they have the freedom to meet with friends or stay at home and watch HGTV and the Home Shopping Network.
I give Thanks to guys that joined in on the fun like Klinger, who is always ready to help out when you need a chipper, a summer job or a job for your kids and Hacksaw who was always ready to lend a helping hand, share a laugh and help me with early computer questions (Remember DOS?).
I give Thanks for Brinks and his family, not only because he brings us beer every week, but for all of the great times we have had thanks to his offspring.
Trips to the Salt Lake City Olympics*, Denver, San Jose, Green Bay, Columbus, Lake Placid and Peoria were all made possible by Donny, Joey, Robby, Cammi and Tony.
*I give Thanks to Hitman for twisting my arm and talking me into a drive to the 2002 Winter Olympics. I give Thanks for having a chance to share some time with Wheezer and his offspring, Mini Wheezer, who are always ready to go anywhere any time there is a Duffer road trip or event.
Whenever I start to put together a road trip to Hayward or Peoria, everyone likes to ask, "Who is going?"
Wheezer and Mini Wheezer were the first to sign up and show up. I give Thanks for friends like Formica who really knows how lucky the members of the Duffer Family are, he will fly in from Seattle and meet us anytime we have something planned.
I give Thanks for Mr. Magoo who always was ready to show up in court when my kids or grandkids missed a stop sign. I give Thanks to the Nailer.
(I hope he comes back, He always was up for a trip to Peoria) He barely knew me when he showed up with Beer nuts to help my son roof his garage.
These are people that are hard to find outside of the hockey world. Beer nuts lugged 80 pound shingle packs up the ladder without complaining, while Duffer Referee,
Agi, cooked us breakfast! I give Thanks to Peoria Duffer in Chief, Art, for rounding up the Peoria Duffers to give us 3 full lines, so that we can skate for 3 hours!
He even found us a young goalie, Garrett, with a Mom that takes hundreds of action pictures for us.
I give Thanks to ex- Rivermen Coach, Jason Christie and the Rivermen organization for giving us free tickets and free ice time every time we go down there, then
Jason thanks us! We are going to miss him. (He is coaching in Salt Lake City) His team plays several times a year in Las Vegas and Phoenix where we could see Uncle Bob, Gee I miss that guy. I give Thanks to the Anvil who kept us laughing and full of gas on Thanksgiving, and now that he sold his camper to Beer Nuts, Perry has stepped up to fill the void.
I give Thanks for Harvey and Papa who show us all, that there is life after Medicare.
I give Thanks to the New King, Rich Storm, who keeps us laughing with his digital art creations.
He has proven to be a very qualified leader, that has kept the Duffers going with out a hitch, after the King's retirement.
I will mercifully put and end to this marathon thank fest. I'll just say thanks for everyone that made me laugh in the last 36 years.
(You know who you are. Thor, Buckshot, Beavis, Butt Head, Berserk, Doc I, Doc II, Alien, The Hammer, Fruit Cake, Dill Deau, Gilbert, Hansen Brother Larry, The Ghost, Uncle Bob, Magoo, Muzzy, The Brain, Drano, Super Dave, The Cop and Koss)
I know I forgot a few dozen more, but I have a Monday Night deadline to meet. Perry,
The Flea and By the Way Bill are always ready to step up when Brinks can't bring
the beer. I give thanks to God for giving me the good health and ability to play hockey with my sons, Ken and Dan and grandsons, Jeff and Mike, and finally I give thanks to Mike and Trina for making me a Great Grandfather last month.