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St Paul of the Cross 

GLOBE Workshop

September 29th, 2005 

Workshop Participant Introductions

Assignment #1 Introduce yourself to the group. 
 I am a retired Chicago Public School Teacher. My Randolph School students sent in over 8000 measurements and observations to the GLOBE program. I have been a GLOBE teacher trainer since 1995. I have played hockey every Friday Night with my friends, sons and grandsons for the past 35 years.  My streak came to an end this fall, because I had a new hip installed on July 11.  For more information on me, please visit my web site at:

GLOBE Trainer Greg Lopatka

Send your introduction to me at: and I'll post them here.

Assignment #2 Visit the protocols page
Please check out the following GLOBE protocols that are available for you and your students.  As a GLOBE trainer we found that it was difficult to cover all of them in a 6 day workshop. 
Please check them out and let me know which ones that might fit into your program. 
You can find them by going to:  Protocols
If you do all of the above, you should come to the protocols page.  If that doesn't work, scroll down to the bottom of this page, or click here.


Assignment #3  
Go to the GLOBE web site  Click GLOBE Schools Log-in
You will get a log in BOX.  Log in with your school ID and pass word. A page should come up with "Welcome St Paul of the Cross" at the top . Go down to GLOBE DATA and select Data Entry 
on the next page select Practice Data Entry That will take you to a page with the following message at the top:
  Attention! This is the GLOBE Training Web Site intended for use at GLOBE workshops or to practice GLOBE data entry.  
then MOUSE OVER Site Definition and click on

 * Define, Edit or Update a Site

select  Define a New Site

First you must define a site, before you can send data, so that GLOBE knows where the data is coming from.  I just defined an atmospheric site for St Paul called "WTS" you may use that site to enter atmospheric data like clouds or temperature. (This"WTS" site may be deleted on Saturday, because GLOBE usually dumps practice data every week)

  • I would like everybody to Define a site and give it any name except WTS. 
  • Once you have defined a site, you will get the following message:

 Smiley Your input has passed system checks! Smiley

If you left something out, you will get an error message with instructions.

try to enter some practice data in your new site like;

  • Maximum Temperature 32c,  Current 29c,  and Minimum 15c
  • Cloud Cover "Scattered"
  • Cloud Types  Cumulus, stratus cirrus
  • You can try the same things at Soil and Hydrology
Assignment #4 You will need the password to go along with the School User ID that I gave last week.
When you Define a site, you should use a date that precedes the date of your first data entry.
I am giving you temperature data for September 19 through the 23.  So if you define your site with today's date, it will not accept the data from the 6th, 7th and 8th. 
You can eliminate that problem by using September 18th as the date that your site was defined.
Here are some data that you can enter.  Try entering it using the Integrated 7-Day method, starting on 9/17.  The data base will not accept a minimum or maximum temperature if you didn't enter a current temperature on the previous day, you can try, but it will kick out the Min/Max for 9/17 if you didn't enter a date for 9/16. Try entering the following cloud data:  
Date Air Temp Current Maximum Minimum local time Solar Noon universal time Soil Temp Current Maximum Minimum
9/17/05 Air Temp 25 28.4 18.8 12:14 PM 17.46:57 17.14 Soil Temp 23.5 24.8 22.1
9/18/05 Air Temp 26.2 29.1 22.1 12:09 PM 17.46:57 17.09 Soil Temp 20.5 20.8 18.4
9/19/05 Air Temp 22.5 25.2 19.7 12:05 AM 17.46:36 17.05 Soil Temp 21.2 21.3 19.1
9/20/05 Air Temp 24.1 25.1 19.2 12:02 PM 17.46:14 17.02 Soil Temp 22.2 24.6 20.5
9/21/05 Air Temp 21.2 26.2 16.2 11:46 PM 17.45:53 16.36 Soil Temp 23.2 24.2 21.9
9/22/05 Air Temp 25.4 28.2 15.2 12:41 AM 17.45:32 17.41 Soil Temp 23.3 24.5 20.1
9/23/05 Air Temp 26.6 26.6 19.8 12:05 PM 17.45:11 17.05 Soil Temp 22.5 23.2 21.8

At 17:06 on September 17th, We had broken cloud cover, with Cumulonimbus and Nimbostratus clouds present.  We had 2 short lived Contrails. you can make up cloud data for the other 6 days, since this is a practice site.  We would never do that when you are entering real data.  I will say this many times at the workshop, "No data is better than incorrect data"

When you enter the data correctly, you will get the following message:

 Smiley Your input has passed system checks! Smiley

If you goof up, you will get a message telling you what is wrong.  For example, if you enter a  current temperature that is higher than your Max, it will let you know and you won't get a smile face until you correct it.

*These temperatures were taken with a Taylor digital Min/Max thermometer
Assignment #5 Now that you are a certified GLOBE School, log in and define your site, using the GPS coordinates that we acquired at the workshop. Start sending cloud data as soon as possible.  
Links to past GLOBE Workshops
The Following images of the Highland Park area were generated by the LANDSAT Satellite.  The LANDSAT Project is the longest-running enterprise for acquisition of moderate resolution imagery of the Earth from space. The LANDSAT 1 satellite was launched in 1972; the most recent, LANDSAT 7, was launched in 1999. The instruments on the LANDSAT satellites have acquired millions of images. These images form a unique resource for applications in agriculture, geology, forestry, regional planning, education, mapping, and global change research.  GLOBE will send a LANDSAT image your School, when you enter 250 measurements. for more information,  Go to USGS Landsat site


You will get a LANDSAT image with your school in the center.

You will get Multispec Software at the workshop that will let you do all kinds of neat things with the image.  

Using Bands 4,3,2 (infrared)


Using Bands 3,2,1 (Natural Color)

GLOBE Protocols


AtmosphereClimate *Protocols (pdf):
*Cloud (pdf)
*Aerosols (pdf)
*Water Vapor (pdf)
*Barometric Pressure (pdf)
*Relative Humidity (pdf)
*Precipitation (pdf)
*Max/Min/Current Air Temperature (pdf)
*Digital Multi-Day Max/Min/Current Air and Soil Temperatures (pdf)
*Automated Air and Soil Temperature Monitoring (pdf)
*Surface Temperature (pdf)
*Surface Ozone (pdf)
*AWS WeatherNet (pdf)
*Davis Weather Station (pdf)
*RainWise Weather Station (pdf)
*WeatherHawk Weather Station (pdf)
*Protocol Videos
*Instrument Specifications (pdf)
SoilCharacterization *Protocols (pdf):
*Soil Characterization (pdf)
*Soil Temperature (pdf)
*Gravimetric (Star Pattern, Transect, Depth Profile) Soil Moisture (pdf)
*Bulk Density (pdf)
*Soil Particle Density (pdf)
*Soil Particle Size Distribution (pdf)
*Soil pH (pdf)
*Soil Fertility (pdf)
*Digital Multi-Day Max/Min Soil and Air Temperatures (pdf)
*Digital Multi-Day Soil Temperatures (pdf)
*Automated Air and Soil Temperature Monitoring (pdf)
*Soil Moisture Sensor (pdf)
*Infiltration (pdf)
*Davis Soil Moisture and Temperature Station (pdf)
*Protocol Videos
*Instrument specifications (pdf)
*Protocols (pdf):
*Water Transparency (pdf)
*Water Temperature (pdf)
*Dissolved Oxygen (pdf)
*Electrical Conductivity (pdf)
*Salinity (pdf)
*pH (pdf)
*Alkalinity (pdf)
*Nitrate (pdf)
*Freshwater Macroinvertebrates (pdf)
*Optional Salinity Titration (pdf)
*Protocol Videos
*Instrument Specifications (pdf)
Land Cover/Biology
*Protocols (pdf):
*Land Cover Sample Site (pdf)
*Biometry (pdf)
*Manual Land Cover Mapping (pdf)
*Computerized MultiSpec Land Cover Mapping (pdf)
*Land Cover Change Detection (pdf)
*Fire Fuel (pdf)
*Protocol Videos
*Instrument Specifications (pdf)
General Information
*GPS Protocol

*Instrument Suppliers
*Earth As a System Videos
*GLOBE Program Overview Videos

*Protocols (pdf):
*Budburst (pdf)
*Green-Up (pdf)
*Green-Down (pdf)
*Ruby-throated Hummingbird
*Phenological Gardens (pdf)
*Lilac Phenology (pdf)
*Arctic Bird Migration Monitoring (pdf)
*Seaweed Reproductive Phenology (pdf)

Most documents are in PDF format .
Download a free Adobe® Reader® to view content.


GLOBE New Mexico Workshop May, 1999

Charleston GLOBE South Carolina Workshop October, 1999

West Chester PA  October, 2000

Naperville IL  workshop, September, 2003

Highland Park IL workshop, June 2005

GLOBE Program:

GLOBE Hydrology Study:

In September of 2003, the Naperville School District 203 formed a partnership with the GLOBE Program.  We have performed Teacher workshops in the following places:

Naperville IL  September, 2003

Highland Park, Illinois July, 2005 Workshop

Park Ridge, Illinois September, 2005


GLOBE Hydrology Study websites:

Steeple Run Spring 2005 Hydrology in Naperville

Steeple Run Fall 2005 Hydrology in Naperville

Steeple Run Spring  2006 Hydrology in Naperville

Steeple Run Fall 2006 Hydrology in Naperville

Steeple Run Spring 2007 Hydrology in Naperville

Steeple Run students at the Morton Arboretum 2005

Steeple Run Soil Temperature

Steeple Run Bass Release

Steeple Run Rocket Day

Steeple Run and Highlands Bass release 11/4/06

Highlands School October 11, 2007 Hydrology at Highlands School

Highlands School October 14, 2005 Hydrology at Highlands School

Highlands School macro invertebrates study.

Highlands School Bass Release

Highlands School Site Definition

Randolph School Hydrology at Marquette Park

Phenology at the Arboretum 

GLOBE Program:

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