1998 Road Trip to San Jose
(Back Row Left to Right) Greg "Beak" Lopatka, Chris "Berserk" Mazurk, Ron "Doc" Dubreuil, Tim Staats, Bill "Klinger" Giffune, John "Cone" Koss, Boris "Hacksaw" Pavichevich, Jerry, "Beernuts" Biernat, Johnny "King Kong" Zagorski, Tom "Zagnuts" Zagorski, Mike "Czar" Presecky, Rick "Stripper" Miceli, Fred "Fruitcake" Bobka, Gene, "Thor" Miller, Ken "Grandpa"Lopatka, Arvydas "Harvey" Dikinis, Paul "Marsha" Novak, John "Hitman" Heitman, Rick "Dizzy" Dzingel, Bob "Uncle Bob" Oskroba, Dan "Tweedy" Lopatka and John "Wheezer" Clementson (Front Row Left to Right) John "Magoo" Landry, Jim "Butt Head" Coughenhaur, Joe "GI" Mazzarella, Vidas "Formica" Cemarka, Joe "Cousin" Godfried, Bob "Geek" Friedlander, Jerry "Prince" Miceli, Frank "Knarf" Presecky, Steve "Son of Papa" Mazzarella, Joe "Papa" Mazzarella, Jim "The King" Miceli, Don "Brinks" Granato, Gerry Oskroba and Tom (Beevis) Morgan (Sitting Left to Right) Vytas "Papa" Cemarka, Backup "Loaner" Goalie and Ken "Stump" Barczynski The Duffers went to San Jose in 1998 and again in 2001. These pictures were taken in 1998 with an early $500 digital camera with poor resolution. San Jose` 2001 and Barry Melrose
Tom knows that there will be very little sleep in the next 3 nights |
It's a scratch, not a pick |
Uncle Bob gave us Duffer San Jose Tee Shirts |
Coughenhour calls his boss to him he is having lunch in Schaumburg |
Day Three, Back in the Shark Tank
This is Video Scout, Bob Friedlander's office |
You can tell that he grew up on the North side of Chicago |
Papa Joe and Steve Massarella share a laugh with Bernie Nichols |
Bernie signs a shirt for Ken |
Game Time
Time to do some shopping |
The drinking team with the hockey problem heads for home. |
Go to More 1998 San Jose Pictures
The Rampage Women's Hockey Team has a new web site at: http://www.rampagehockey.org/index.cfm 2011 game is on April 2 at 7:00. They now have 2 WODs and a DOD on their team. WOD=Wife Of a Duffer DOD = Daughter of a Duffer Links to Duffer Hockey Newsletters 2008-2010 Stats page Michelle Spillman hits and fields
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