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Jimmy Buffett 2008


DCP_4267.JPG (134868 bytes)On Sunday Morning, July 20, 2008 I picked up Kathie, Michelle and Michael and headed for Kansas where Michelle and her teammates were scheduled to play in the Fast Pitch Softball World Series. (The Romeoville Revolution is sponsored by Duffer's Hockey and Delano Conveyors) If you don't like hot and humid, don't go to Kansas.  (My wife doesn't, she stayed home) On July 21st we had skills competitions and a beautiful Opening Ceremony. http://www.lopatka.net/Kansas/index.htm  On July 22nd we had 2 games, they lost 2 heart breakers, 2-1 and 8-6. http://www.lopatka.net/Kansas/page2.htm  On the evening of July 22nd we had a parking lot party, where the parents played "Bags" http://www.lopatka.net/Kansas/page3.htm On Friday, July 25th, they finished their last game at 5:30 so I drove for 8 hours and made the Jimmy Buffett party, tanks to  Paul and Suzan for hosting it.  Click on the pictures below to see the full image. You can hear "Cheeseburger in Paradise" if you view with Internet Explorer.

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Stump and Dena never miss a concert.

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Frank was trying to locate Klinger, who was biking from Wrigley.

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We picked up Klinger at a Denny's

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Hitman and Muzzy's daughter, Paula, found us. 

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 Frank finds out what his daughter learned in College.

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Our photographer, Bruce and his lovely bride.

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"Crash Terry" and his lovely wife found us too!

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After the Heinekens were gone, we had to drink poison.

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I drove all night and was the only one with my eyes open!

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These are a few of Frank's pictures.

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Here are some links to past Duffer Buffett Party sites.


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We lost Terry this year, but we got Frank back



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We passed on the Wrigley Field Concert



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