The Blues pulled Eddie in the last minute but Stump could not be scored on. Uncle Bob Oskroba scored on his first shift, but he is not old enough to be meaningful. This was one of the best games of the year. Fred is in Las Vegas When Fred was teased that the nickel slots would be getting a
Duffers in Hayward Hale-Bopp was naked eye visible this summer in dark sites even though it was over 4 astronomical units away. Earth is 1 AU form the sun. (93,000,000 miles = 1 AU.) When we are in Hayward the comet will be 1 AU from the sun. The tail should be at it's maximum then. If you miss it this time, it will be back in 3400 years.
Kings Beware
There are warnings of doom and divine retribution, with the appearance of Hale-Bopp and the end of the second millennium. There is a claim that Hale-Bopp is an alien mother ship that has undergone mysterious course corrections that have put it on a collision course with Earth. Hale-Bopp has it's own Home page on the Web. http://www.halebopp.com
workout, he quipped that he doesn't gamble, he just looks for lost coins.
Locker Room Talk
You can tell the Bears and Hawks suck when you hear baseball talk in the locker room 3 weeks before Christmas.
One of most memorable things about last year's Hayward trip was the awesome site of Comet Hyakutake. Well, this year a monster comet that was discovered on July 22, 1995 by Allen Hale in New Mexico and Thomas Bopp in Arizona is set to pass through the inner solar system in March and April 1997. Hale-Bopp will be closest to earth on March 23 and it should be visible near the Great Square of Pegasus. The Comet has great promise. It has already developed a prominent dust tail with eruptions of dust and gas at a phenomenal rate. Sounds like Tweety's softball team after beer and chili dogs. Hale-Bopp set to Entertain
This horseshoe was removed from Stump's butt Friday night after he managed to hold the Whites to only 3 goals. Eddie was able to accomplish the same feat at the other end of the ice. A 3-3 tie is the lowest scoring game of the year. Stump stopped Tweedy and the Prince several times on break a way, but his save of the year was on a Beak rebound of a Thor shot. Beak had the whole net when he shot, but Stump dived on his stomach and blocked the shot with his oversized stick. (legal Off course) Thor beat Stump earlier on a slap shot. Tom Morgan was praised by the King for passing up a shot to set up a meaningful Goal. Hit Man tied the meaningful score with a bank shot off of the Anvil's pads. Magoo Landry back doored the Stump for the winner when he tipped in a Brinks Granato pass.