Duffer Photoshop Gems by the Czar and Beak
Uncle Bob
When Bill joined us in 1980, he would have been called Beak, but we could only have one Beak, so he got tagged Klinger. |
He looked a little like Denny the goalie in Slap Shot. |
Eddie The Anvil
The Alien
This page was made possible by Beak and The Czar! (Mike was Rich Storm before he became the Czar) |
The King
Many Duffers
Tweedy and Tommy Z
Stump has been added with photoshop to the Tennessee Team Picture. He was dressing the old Tennessee goalie and was late for the team picture. Can you find Stump?
Steve the Hammer missed the end of season team picture because he was setting up the cookout, so I put his head in the picture next to Harvey. |
Duffers make
The cover of the Sun
1997 Hayward Trip We saw Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 March Hayward Trip We saw Comet Hyakutake December 6, 1996 Duffer news #85 December 15, 1996 Duffer news #86 December 20, 1996 Duffer news #87 January 12, 1996 Duffer news #50
Green Bay Trip, January 1995 Http://www.lopatka.net/GreenBay1-95Green Bay Trip, December 1995 Http://www.lopatka.net/GreenBay1-15-95Don't forget to visit Duffer Bar-Toons